Monday, September 27, 2010

Two Milestones Reached!

I got on to look at the blog this afternoon and I see that I have hit the 10 followers milestone and the 500 view milestone on this page.
Thanks to everyone that is coming to see my blog and commenting and supporting me!

In recent news I have a sociology test this evening and I'm not sure if I'm ready.  I think I get the material just not sure if I get it enough, y'know?  That and I have my math class today and I have yet to do the work from last week let alone this week!  I need to get to work on that soon.  have until 5, when I have to leave but it's so damn boring.....
Also, it's workout day.  Have to get that in before I go and have time to shower before I leave for class.  Damn, my procrastination!

Well, that's all I got for right now.  Post back later.